Discover Services For

Technical Industry

Offer Exchange for Companies and Freelancers
Job Offers in Poland and Europe with Salary Ranges
Job Agency: Increase Recruitment Effectiveness by 43%
Knowledge Portal | Professional Practices | Online University

Why Space4Tec?

We increase the effectiveness of recruiting technical specialists using marketing, social media advertising and the Global Job Board. We will do everything to make it easier for you to find Technical Specialist.

Global Job Board

Publish job offers in Poland and Europe for free. Our Job Board is visited by an average of 11,000+ Technical Specialists per month. We publish job offers with salary ranges.

Offer Exchange

Use the Technical Experts Database. Order any service and find contractors. On the marketplace you will find or publish orders for Technical Companies and Freelancers.

Job Agency

Fill out the inquiry, send it to us. We will find, verify, and then send you the contact details of technical specialists who will meet your requirements.

Knowledge Portal

Gain knowledge from the best experts in the industry. We will show you how to design a career path in the technical industry step by step.

New Space in Technical Industry

Recruitment does not have to be Long and Difficult. Use our Global Job Board or the Space4Tec Agency and see how easily you can recruit Technical Specialists. If you are just starting your career, we will show you step by step how to become an Expert in Technical Industry.

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Discover Our Main Services

Global Job Board

Global Job Board

Offer Exchange for Companies & Freelnacers

Offer Exchange for Companies & Freelnacers

Knowledge Portal

Knowledge Portal


Real Feedback From Our Clients

We regularly use the Space4Tec agency when we need to quickly find specialists in the energy sector. We recommend cooperation with the agency, they are professional and effective.

Michał Kręcisz

CEO & Co - Founder MKBI Instalator

We have put HR specialists from Space4Tec against the wall many times. Many times we needed technical specialists immediately. They take on impossible tasks and always deliver results. I would highly recommend!

Piotr Fiślak

CEO & Co - Founder Termo Team 2

Basic Plan

€ Free/month

Premium Plan

€ 199.99/month

Choose Pricing Plan

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Trusted By Tech Companies

Create an account, post a job offer for free.
See how you can recruit technical specialists easily and effectively using social media marketing. Sign up 100% for free. No credit card required.